New Photos of Gizmo & Tweak on Flickr
Posted by Valerie B | Posted in birds, flickr, photos | Posted on 7:00 AM
Uploaded New Photos to Flickr! (Note: All photos taken 06/24/09)
Tweaky Claw!

Gizmo eating some corn and making a funny pose!

Gizmo praying for more nuggets?

Gizmo: What does that button do?

And my favorite of this batch....
Gizmo: Muahahahahaha!

View more pictures of the birds on Flickr.
"My Birds" Collection
Tweaky Claw!
Gizmo eating some corn and making a funny pose!
Gizmo praying for more nuggets?
Gizmo: What does that button do?
And my favorite of this batch....
Gizmo: Muahahahahaha!
View more pictures of the birds on Flickr.
"My Birds" Collection