Update: Tweak now has THREE EGGS!

Posted by Valerie B | | Posted on 10:41 AM

Update: THREE EGGS!, originally uploaded by pandoraice.

Just another update! Tweak now has 3 eggs. She is sitting pretty tightly on them now and only comes out to grab some quick food and then she runs back to the nest in less than a minute. Her belly looked pretty big last night so I had a feeling there would be another one this morning! She laid this one sometime between 11:30 last night and 8:20am this morning- same period of time when she laid her first one.
Now taking bets on how many you think she will have! LOL
(Hint: Average clutch size of a green cheek conure is 4 - 6 eggs, but there have been some to lay 8) I am hoping more for 4 than 6! The less she has the more healthy I think they would be.

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